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Singapore has Tightened its Immigration Policies, But There is still Hope

Last modified: November 18, 2020
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Singapore immigration policies

For the past few years, Singapore has been bringing changes in the immigration and dependent privileges. They are aimed at limiting the number of foreigners immigrating to Singapore. The changes are expected to relieve the strain on the infrastructure and resources.


How Deadly are the Changes in the Singapore’s Immigration Policy?

On 1 Feb 2015, Ministry of Manpower took a step in the same direction. It announced that the spouses of the Singapore residents could work in Singapore, even if, they do not have independent work pass. The beneficiaries are the holders of the Long Term Visit Pass and Dependents Pass. The move enabled the Singapore employers to tap the locally available talent pool.


Do Not Lose Your Heart, Go for a Singapore Work Pass

The new immigration policies have choked out the inflow of aspiring immigrants. However, not all is lost. Singapore is renowned as the Financial Hub. It is attracting investment and innovative technologies from all over the world. It means that it requires professionals who can handle these technologies. So even under constricted immigration environment, Singapore will need to go beyond its borders to look for the experienced and qualified professionals.

The work passes available to these individuals are as follows:

  • Employment Pass: There are three types of employment passes P1, P2, and Q3. These passes confer different privileges to their holders.
  • Personalized Employment Pass (PEP): PEP is awarded to the highly talented and experienced professionals. The pass is not revoked even when their holder switches jobs. These are the least likely individuals to be affected by the changes in the immigration policies.
  • S Pass: The pass is awarded to the individuals possessing mid-level skills. At any time, the number of these pass holder is capped at the 20% of the total number of workers in Singapore. The quota system applies to this pass.
  • Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass): EntrePass is a special type of pass. It is awarded to the entrepreneurs who have vast experience, but who cannot fulfill the educational criteria set by the Singapore. EntrePass enables these individuals to immigrate to Singapore and start their company and business activities.
  • Global Investor Program (GIP): GIP scheme offers foreign investors a shortcut to the permanent residency of Singapore. All they have to do is invest at least S$2.5 million in a new startup or in GIP approved funds.

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