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Singapore Tax Filing: Paper-file or E-file Your Personal Income Tax Before Due Date

Last modified: February 26, 2019
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Singapore-Tax-FilingAfter enjoying the start of the New Year, it is time to take a stock of our duties and responsibilities towards the society. Filing our Singapore personal income tax accurately and on time is one of these. Believe it or not, most of the Singaporeans take their Singapore tax filing very seriously.


Singapore Personal Income Tax Filing

For Singaporeans, 15 April of each year is the due date for discharging their liability. If they miss it, they have the option of e-filing them by 18 April.

The rule of thumb is that you file your tax return when you get the letter or SMS intimation from the IRAS (Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore) to do so. It is a must, even if your employer has passed on your salary details to the IRAS.

Individuals that have been informed that they are eligible for no filing service but have recently found other means of income must log into myTax.iras.gov.sg and check their status. They have to file their tax returns if their combined income becomes taxable. If you want more information on the topic send an SMS to filetax NRIC/FIN” to 91164900 or call 1800-356 8300 to get the latest update.

The experts from the Singapore taxation services make the filing of a taxpayer’s dues a straight forward process. Salaried individuals need to fill and e-file Form B1 to submit their tax returns. The self-employed taxpayers need to fill and e-file Form B by logging into the myTax.iras.gov.sg website.

GIRO Scheme

IRAS offers a scheme to lessen the burden of taxpayers. They can be part of the GIRO scheme and pay their tax amount in 12 installments spread over the year. The amount is automatically deducted from the taxpayers’ bank account on 6th of every month.

The process of signing up for the GIRO scheme is simple. The taxpayer needs to get on IRAS website and fill the form. Even those having internet banking accounts such as DBS/POSB and OCBC customers can apply online and benefit from GIRO.


Tax Reliefs for the Singaporean Taxpayers

Singapore taxation system offers various types of tax rebates, exemptions and incentives to its taxpayers. The aim is to lessen their tax burden.

Qualifying Child Relief

Singapore authorities offer Qualifying Child Relief to the taxpayers having dependent children. It is S$4,000/child, provided that the child is below 16 years of age. The parents of the full-time students who are older than 16 years of age and have an annual income less than S$4,000 can also claim this relief.

Spouse Relief/Handicapped Spouse Relief

A Singaporean taxpayer can claim S$2,000 in Spouse relief for the dependent spouse, provided that the latter’s annual income is less than S$4,000. They can also claim Handicapped Spouse Relief of S$4,000 irrespective of the income earned by the spouse.

The authorities even offer relief to the taxpayers who are separated from their spouse and are making maintenance payments.

Parent Relief

Singaporeans can also claim S$4,500 or more in Parent Relief if they support their parents, grandparents, parents-in-law or grandparents-in-law last year. However, they need to make sure that their siblings are not applying for the same relief.

The individual taxpayers can go to myTax.iras.gov.sg to get the details about the reliefs like Foreign Maid Levy Relief, Working Mother’s Child Relief (WMCR), Relief for Donation Amount and Course Fee Relief.

Singapore tax filing has to be accurate. Making mistakes while filling the forms can prove costly. A taxpayer can inadvertently bring the penalty on himself because of it. If you are in any doubt and needs filing tips contact a reputed accounting service, visit online resources like www.iras.gov.sg, or visit eLearn.iras.gov.sg that are made available by IRAS.

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