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Singapore Company Incorporation: Few Tips for New Entrepreneurs

Last modified: February 3, 2021
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Singapore business incorporationEvery year, thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs from across the globe take a leap of faith and relocate to Singapore for company incorporation. The idea of Singapore business incorporation may sound exciting to you as it gives freedom to be your own boss. Nevertheless, the path of success requires a lot of passion, hard work and expertise in business.

In the world of newly incorporated Singapore companies, every second count. Be sure to make your own hours, set a business goal and kick-start your business in the land of endless opportunities. And if you are ready to take your business to the next level, the below-stated productivity tips will surely help you in this concern.


Develop a Solid Idea: It is an obvious fact that every business starts with an idea. But, a good idea can lead to manifold growth in business. There is a saying “Good businesses start with a good business idea.” No entrepreneur affords to ignore the importance of having a solid business idea in every sphere of life.

A bit of in-depth research prior to developing idea could pay off the hard work. Try to learn what the existing companies of your chosen industries are doing and figure out how can you do even better. Delivering services using unique ideas and methods could help you stay ahead of the competition.


Build a Good Business Plan: The very next step after having a well-researched business idea is to write a good business plan. Determine the few things such as nature of business activities, target audience, the price of your service, the source of finance and the end goal. Answers of all of these things will be drafted in a comprehensive business plan.

A business plan helps the entrepreneur determine the ultimate destination of its business journey. It additionally helps you figure out the ways to overcome potential difficulties so as to sustain in the long term.


Focus on Your Goal: Focus serves as the key factor to pave the way of success. At the initial phase of starting a business, you will be pulled in hundreds of direction. In pursuit of success, you may try to find something in anything that may work in business. But, this may turn the other way round. You have to stay focused and work on your business priorities.


Take the Risk: Incorporating a new business is inherently risky. Risk factors and uncertainty are the daily challenges of an entrepreneur’s life. But the rewards of taking risks are well worth with the manifold benefits that you may achieve in the long term. You cannot imagine the outcomes of your efforts and hard work unless you first do it. Be ready to accept the risk, put in your best efforts, deal with the difficulties until you get the positive outcome.


Learn to Manage Finance: As an entrepreneur, you must be ready to face the rainy days that may come in future. It is an evident fact that ups and down do occur in the life of every business man. Thus, you should manage the aspects of your both personal and business finances effectively. So, it is important to determine the source of finance to invest in the business at the very beginning phase.

Many entrepreneurs tend to invest all their personal money into the new venture. However, it is advisable to take financial assistance (small or large amount) from a bank or financial enterprises depending on the nature and type of business you are starting in.

Singapore is globally known to a financial hub for its progressive financial and bank sectors developments. It is not a hard to find a business loan in Singapore if the necessary documents are in order.


Outsource the Non-core Tasks: Once your business hit the right track, it is your responsibility to take it to the next level. In order to stay competitive and focused in the core competencies of your business, you are advised to outsource the non-core tasks such as bookkeeping and accounting, corporate secretarial, taxation and so on, to a reliable firm such as SBS Consulting. When you outsource the services to such a firm, you are putting the tasks into the hand of efficient professional which ensure quality services.


Leverage Technology: When a business harnesses the benefits of technology, the investments pay off in a remarkable return. There are plenty of applications (Apps) and tools available in the market, that you can take advantage of to serve the purpose of email marketing, social networking, search engine optimization and so on. Google Analytics, Grammarly, Hootsuite, Word Press and Copyscape are to name a few.


Stay Compliant with Laws: When you are doing business in Singapore, it is increasingly important to stay compliant with the laws of regulatory authorities such as ACRA (Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority) and IRAS (Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore). Heavy penalties and/or issuance of court summons may impose to the defaulters. Importantly, regular notice of court proceedings and penalty fines may eventually result in the setback to the business. Thus, it is better to stay compliant with the laws when it comes to run a smooth business operation in Singapore.

If you are ready to incorporate a company in Singapore and have a desire to take it to the next level, the above-mentioned facts are the surefire way to accomplish it.

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